Machinist Appr 1st Yr Saw Filing

Machinist Appr 1st Yr Saw Filing

West Fraser

Adrian, GA 31002

Posted year ago

  • Job Type(s)

    Full Time
  • Industry

    Construction, Facilities, Trades
  • Job Description

    Learns to change gang saws properly and safely
    Becomes familiar with all aspects of changing band saws
    Learns to change face knives and wing knives in both canters
    Learns to set up knife grinder for knives being ground.
    Learns to place knives on grinder and grinds to specs
    Learns to rebabbits knives to spec
    Keeps knife grinding equipment clean
    Lubricates knife equipment
    Repair knife equipment when needed
    Learns to rebuild the guides for the gang saws and the edger to specs

    * Learns to maintain the guides
    Understand and comply with all plant job safety requirements, including Lockout/tag out procedures