Shift Supervisor

Shift Supervisor

Tempositions, Inc.

Barre, VT 05641

Posted 11 months ago

  • Job Type(s)

    Full Time
  • Industry

    Administrative, Clerical
  • Work Schedule

    Night Shift Overnight Shifts Overnight shift
  • Job Description

    Shift Supervisor



    Shift supervisors will provide and oversee on-site trauma-informed social servicedelivery atcitysanctuaryhotelsthroughoutVermont. Workingcooperativelywithhotel operations and security staff, shift supervisors will welcome and engage migrantand asylum-seeking single adults, families with children, or adult families (withoutchildren). Supervisors will manage daily social service operations and provide on theground support and supervision for community associates who are responsible forcompletingculturally sensitiveassessmentsandmakingreferrals.


    Shift supervisors will have teams of 3 to 6 community associates and are responsibleforvariedtasks including,butnotlimited to, the following:

    1. Overseeing social services operations and seamless transitions from one shift tothenext
    2. Supervisingandsupportingcommunity associates,includingreviewingcompletedassessments
    3. Ensuring that community associate staff provide culturally sensitive, trauma-informedservices
    4. Ensuringappropriatestaffcoverage andmonitoringattendance
    5. Interveningincrisesandcounselingclients asneeded
    6. Planningandtroubleshootingwithoperationsandsecuritystaff
    7. Coordinatinginterpretationandtranslationservices
    8. Providingcoverage forcommunityassociatestaffasneeded
    9. Meetingwithoperationsandsecuritystaffforplanning andsitemanagement
    10. Managinganddocumentingincidents
    11. Managingandupdatingrosters andattendance


    • Bachelors degree or two years of relevant social services experience withpeople whoarevulnerableandhaveexperiencedsignificanttrauma
    • Strongunderstandingoftraumaandhowitmanifests,aswellasexperiencedeliveringtrauma-informed, culturally sensitive services
    • Excellentverbalandwritten communicationskills
    • Ability to learn quickly and problem-solve under pressure and within prescribedtimelines
    • Strong organizationalandleadershipskills
    • Abilitytoworkindependentlyandmanageateam
    • Workingknowledge ofimmigrationlawsandprocedures
    • Strong understanding of child development, child welfare, and education requirements


    • Masters degree in social work or other human services field + two years ofrelevant experienceworkingwithpeoplewhoentertheU.S.seeking asylum
    • Fluent inEnglishandSpanish(written andspoken)
    • 2+ years of experience supervising social services staff in the delivery ofculturallysensitive, trauma-informed services
    • Solid understanding of immigration laws, regulations, procedures, andbenefits/entitlements
    • Experienceworkingon-siteinacongregatehousingsetting
    • Experience working with the Homeless Services


    Full-time during the day, evening, or overnight shifts