About Us

Scrolling through a vast sea of job postings or walking around your neighborhood in search of storefronts with “Help Wanted” signs displayed in their windows is a tiresome way to seek out employment, to say the least. That’s why here at HelpWanted.com we’re bringing the storefronts to you and making that sea of job postings more succint and easier to navigate so that you can quickly go from applying to hired. 
The job market is an ever-changing environment and HelpWanted.com grows to meet its evolving demands. Since the early 2000s, we’ve been fine-tuning the technology behind online job searching and recruitment by providing both employers and job seekers an easy-to-use platform to connect on. Postings on HelpWanted.com come directly from employers with the intent to personally review applications, rather than having them go through an automated approval process that determines whether or not the application will ever get to a human. 
We believe in getting jobs out to the people who want them and getting employees out to the companies that need them, empowering both sides to produce strong opportunities for all:
  • With our built-in resume builder, we help job seekers display their experience in the best possible formats to stand out of the crowd. With the ability to filter your job search down to the town of your choosing, you can browse local jobs just as though you were walking around the neighborhood, while also being able to limit your search to the job categories that interest you.
  • Our job portal for employers grants full control over the applicant review and hiring process, with analytical feedback coming soon. Job postings are designed to provide specific information about what each job entails, including wages and hours, as well as what you as an employer are seeking in a candidate to ensure the right people are being matched with the right jobs.
HelpWanted.com - It’s Where the Jobs Are!