These Companies Are On Holiday Hiring Spree-Are You Ready?

These Companies Are On Holiday Hiring Spree-Are You Ready?

The current unemployment rate in the US stands at 6.7%, which is almost double the rate in February (3.5%), before the pandemic outbreak. However, the situation is way better than in April, when the government shut down the economy to control the rate of infections. It went up to 14.7%, a record high since the stock market crash in 1929, also known as The Great Depression.

Organizations in various industries are trying hard to take the situation back to normal. They are hiring people to expand the workforce – especially during the holiday season, which seems to be busier this year.

With remote working trending all over, lockdowns in some states do not seem to affect these expansion endeavors. However, some companies such as Amazon, FedEx, Walmart, and more are on a special holiday hiring spree. Among them, Amazon seems to have broken all records by hiring more than 420,300 people in the last ten months. Its current global workforce stands at 1.2 million, which is 50% more than in 2019. Rising demands during the pandemic have prompted this extraordinary record by the eCommerce giant.

FedEx has also started recruiting in the holiday season. It plans to hire about 70,000 workers by the end of the year. The courier service has also experienced a surge in the price of shares by 51% in the pandemic season. According to economists, preference for online shopping will remain even after a vaccine arrives, which indicates more hiring.

Walmart has created a robust holiday strategy to minimize COVID-19 fears in the minds of the citizens. It is taking in 20,000 seasonal workers this year and will continue with the hiring spree into the New Year. Other companies hiring in the holidays are Huckberry, Modsy, Perkins & Co., TaxSlayer, VF Corporation, and more. From accounting to fashion and lifestyle, these organizations are taking in talented professionals to combat the economic crisis.

Are you prepared to make the most of these trends? If not, scroll on!

Stay updated with current openings
You must stay updated at all times regarding the available vacancies in these companies or others that are hiring. You can join a digital job-search platform such as to get these important updates, news, and alerts regularly. It will prevent missing out on an opportunity that may be profitable in the long run. You never know as you may even end up getting your dream job.

Be active on social media
About 73% of millennials have accepted getting their last job through social media. You need to be active on social media to enjoy higher chances of getting a job. Employers may be sharing advertisements and offers of vacancies on company pages. Follow prominent employers to get these updates on time. With the pandemic stalling all activities, online hiring is helping companies expand their workforce seamlessly. Be active on social media to get an upper hand over your peers who are searching randomly.

Create a professional network
By being in touch with professionals in the same field, you can get essential information about available jobs. Further, you can also enhance your brand identity through digital resumes. Most companies are focusing on online hiring, as it reduces time and costs. If you have a robust professional identity online, you can get on the radar of prominent employers.

Try upskilling to get better opportunities
As you know, not all applications are accepted by employers. Some may not even get a follow-up call, owing to a lack of proper qualifications or skills required in the job. So, this is the best time for upskilling while searching for a new job. Get an idea about the market; know what jobs are available currently and what skills are required for the same. Take short-term courses to learn new skills and technologies that will shape the future. As the hiring spree is going to continue into 2021, you can upgrade your skills and look for jobs simultaneously.

Be prepared to start from scratch
The situation will get back to normal only gradually. You may not get the same working environment before the pandemic immediately. So, be prepared to face the hassles of a new job and start from scratch, if necessary. Keep your expectations low but your inspirations high. It may not be the right time to be choosy if the job seems satisfactory enough. Once the crisis is over for good, you can look for other jobs without any hassle. But for now, try to make the most of the given situation.

Wrapping it up
Make a list of the jobs you may want to do and create your digital resume around the same.

Join popular job search networks and get on digital platforms to expand your searchability. Remember, the employers are looking for you as frantically as you are seeking them. So, keep track of where they are the most active and try to be on their radar at all times. And do not forget to tune into news portals to get updates about vacancies in big companies that are hiring in huge numbers.

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