Half the US population is unemployed

Jun 30, 2020



The data indicates that the road to recovery is perhaps, years away. Latest data released showcases the employment to population ratio, which is way off. The number of unemployed people is 47.2 per cent, which is a historically high record. Economists predict that to get the ratio back on track, 30 ...

Job skills will be preferred to college degrees for government hiring

Jun 30, 2020



Trump has signed a federal order which states the prioritization of job skills over college degrees in government hiring. The shift is aiming at hiring a more diverse workforce by putting skills first, and giving people a fair chance. ...

Dunkin' adds 25,000 jobs

Jun 30, 2020



As the economy reopens after months of being out of business, fast-food chain, Dunkin Donuts adds 25,000 new jobs as the stores reopen across the country. The chain is announcing its first-ever national restaurant employee recruitment advertising campaign to fill positions in franchises across the ...

A few signs of recovery for the economy

Jun 30, 2020



As the restrictions on economic activity and civilian movement are eased, hiring has picked up in certain industries. Another indication that things are picking up is that the Labor Department announced a drop in unemployment claim filings. Take a look at the whole report here. ...

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