Unvaccinated workers to pay insurance surcharge

Unvaccinated workers to pay insurance surcharge

Dec 06, 2021



Nevada is confirmed to be the first state to charge state workers involved in public employee health insurance plans a surcharge if they aren't vaccinated. 

Unvaccinated workers will be charged up to $55 per month to offset the cost of testing that those who haven't been vaccinated are required to undergo. This was decided by a vote by the Public Employees' Benefit Program (PEBP) Board. Public sector plans cover all costs related to coronavirus, although multiple other plans stopped covering Covid related expenses when vaccines became widely available, public sector employees' health care plans still pay for them. Nevada Governor, DuAne Young said that the burden of the pandemic has been shouldered by all but the burden or additional costs incurred due to testing must be acknowledged by those who refused to get vaccinated. The surcharge for public sector workers and their dependents will come into effect in July 2022. 

According to state law, in Nevada, in workplaces where less than 70% of the workers are vaccinated, employees are required to undergo weekly testing. Although President Biden's workplace mandate policies are being challenged in court, if the policy passes then it will significantly increase the cost of testing in the state as unvaccinated workers have to be subject to weekly testing. Official reports suggest that the Covid-related claims filed in the state have surpassed by charging people and their dependents who are 18 or older extra, which will balance the cost of additional testing. 

Source: CBS News

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