Hiring remains a challenge says Amazon's consumer chief
Hiring, Amazon jobs: Dave Clark from Amazon says that hiring still remains a challenge for the company during the holiday season. ...
Hospitals in Massachusetts cancel non-urgent procedures due to staffing shortages
Hospitals jobs in Massachusetts: Due to staffing shortages, hospitals in Massachusetts are cutting back on non-urgent procedures ...
Baltimore introduces new employment program for Squeegee kids
"Squeegee Kids" is the term used to refer to kids or adults or anyone who uses a washcloth or viper to clean vehicle windows stuck in traffic in exchange for money. ...
Companies focus on office air quality to improve efficiency
Workplace health has been a major pain point for employers and office managers since the beginning of the pandemic. Many saw the influx of hand wipes and sanitizers, this forced multiple office spaces to look at the design of the office and to reimagine it in such a way as to improve health and eff ...
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Are 4 day work weeks the future?
Robert Owen, a Welsh textile mill owner, social reformer, and labor activist came up with a slogan ...
Tips to Write Job Descriptions That Will Attract the Best Candidates
Just as the candidates need the right jobs to secure their future, the companies also need the righ ...
Millennials Care About These 8 Things at Their Workplace - Are Your Offering Those?
Millennials are considered to be social people, who live by the ‘work hard play hard’ mantra and ar ...
Avoid These 5 (Obvious) Mistakes in Your Job Application
Today’s market is a competitive one – especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. Unlike 2019, when the ...