Apple's new resources for educators and students
If you're in the process of upskilling to adapt and survive the new normal, you'll be happy to know that Apple has announced a new set of tools to help educators to teach coding to students from school to college, read all about it here. ...
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Tips for Staffing Agencies to Create a Competitive Advantage
Today, it is a $174 Billion industry and one of the leading B2B businesses in the US. Whenever HR p ...
Don’t Fall Prey to These Job Scams
When people are looking frantically for employment, scammers get a chance to exploit their weakness ...
Gig Economy and Its Impact on Staffing Firms
With over 20.5 million US workers losing their jobs in April 2020 during the national lockdown, man ...
What Why and How of Background Checks A Useful Guide for Staffing Agencies
Background checks are one of the pre-employment requisites to prevent bad hires. About 96% of emplo ...