Fox News imposes vaccine mandate

Dec 22, 2021



Fox Corporation, the company that owns Fox News announced to its workers on Friday that all those who are working in New York City will have to show proof that they've taken at least one dose of vaccine by December 27th. The company had earlier allowed employees to opt out of getting the vaccine by ...

New York's vaccine mandate extends to private sector employees

Dec 08, 2021



On Monday, New York became the first city in the country to extend its vaccine mandate to private sector employees. Mayor Bill de Blasio announced that all the employees of private companies in the city who will be working in person need to be vaccinated at least with the first shot. There is no op ...

Arizona, South Carolina and Utah stripped of workplace safety authority

Oct 22, 2021



Federal law allows states to have their own safety and security regulations as long as it is as good as federal standards. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration ruled that they are working toward stripping Arizona, South Carolin, and Utah of their authority to maintain their own regulat ...

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