How will the workforce adapt?
Technology and skill requirement has changed at a very rapid pace due to the global crisis. The jobs and skills that seemed super important might not be relevant in the next 5 or 10 years. Most complex workplaces have already employed robots and automation technology that not only assists human wor ...
9 of the most secure jobs in America
Job security has been a cause of concern for millions of people specially when we are living in a time when people are being laid off quite rampantly because of the global crisis. Some professions have emerged from the pandemic to be even more in demand than they were before. Unsurprisingly, many o ...
It could take 4 years to recover the 22 million jobs lost
While the overall market trend has been heading in the right direction, there is a cause of concern. According to Moody, the resurge in the cases could push 1.3 million people into unemployment. This could make things worse and could take 4 years to recover these job losses. To read more on this, c ...
Unemployment rate returns to pre-pandemic level
Yes, you read that right. The unemployment rate has reached the pre-pandemic level in Columbiana County of Ohio State. The county's jobless rate was 5.6% in October according to figures released by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. Whether the unemployment rate accurately reflects wha ...
Texas adds 136,300 jobs in October.
Texas' unemployment rate in September was 8.3% that fell to 6.9% in October, with the addition of 136300 private-sector jobs in October. The unemployment rate of Texas is in line with the national unemployment rate. “While the unemployment rate captures only a snapshot of our economy at a specific ...
2,500 Jobs Open At New Amazon
Amazon has been growing at a fast pace in the last few years and this year, the virus-induced lockdown and restrictions have accelerated its growth even further. They've been hiring for seasonal as well as permanent positions at various locations. The latest addition to hiring is at Somerset, wher ...
How will the AI job market fair?
Artificial Intelligence has emerged significantly in the last few decades. As per a 2017 research from IDC, released by Salesforce, AI is projected to create 823,734 jobs by the year 2021, surpassing the number of jobs lost to AI technologies such as machine learning and automation. These reports m ...
Job-Posting Data Improves
The job market has not close to what it was pre-covid, but things have started to gain momentum once again. As per reports, there has been a slow, but positive sign in terms of job postings. However, to reach the pre-covid numbers, hiring will have to accelerate at a great speed. To know more abou ...
45 facts about small businesses
The definition of a small business could vary a bit here and there, considering how we look at it, but as per some, companies that have less than 500 employees fall under that category. Starting a small business is no easy task for sure. It requires a lot of will, commitment, dedication, hard work, ...
Is free trade killing American Manufacturing?
The manufacturing industry has been responsible for providing millions of jobs, directly and indirectly. It has also been generating income. The global pandemic has impacted almost all industries at varying intensities, including the manufacturing industry. However, there could be another thing tha ...
Risk Management
Employee Conduct
Employee Relations
Flexible Spending Account
Retirement & Recognitions
Employee Resource Groups
Religious Accomodations
Unemployment Benefits
Hiring & Firing
Job Applications &
Business Continuity
Campus Placement
Leadership Development
Organizational &
Career Development
Workplace Culture
Disability Benefits
Drug & Alcohol Testing
Overtime Pay
Contracts & RFPs
Workforce Planning
Relationship Management
Workplace Stories
Global Mindset
Vendors & Software
Employment Branding
Educational Assistance
Executive Compensation
Severance Pay
Performance Management
Wellness Benefits
Paid Leave
Compensation & Benefits
Workplace Harassment
Employee Handbooks
Salary Surveys
Employment Law & Compliance
Work Visas
Overtime Eligibility &
Sexualy Harassment
Avoid These 5 (Obvious) Mistakes in Your Job Application
Today’s market is a competitive one – especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. Unlike 2019, when the ...
The Interviewer's Guide to Conducting Phone Interviews
The job market in the US is slowly gaining traction after the long period of gloom that took the un ...
Here Is How to Answer These 5 Tricky HR Questions
During an interview, you’re not only asked questions according to your credibility and qualificatio ...
The Future of Gig Employment
There’s no denying that the gig economy has seen much growth since the last recession. With the spr ...