US travel industry prepares for a rebound
The travel industry has been one of the worst-hit industries this year because of the global pandemic. Hotels were offering to steal deals to attract customers and flights were quite cheap for a lot of destinations within the country. However, with the vaccine doing its initial rounds, this is like ...
Deadliest jobs in the US last year
Some jobs are more risker and deadly than a lot of other jobs. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a worker died every 99 minutes from a work-related injury in 2019. More than 5300 people died in 2019 due to some work-related incident, and drivers lost the maximum number of lives. Which o ...
Communicable Diseases
Organizational Structure
Benefits Compliance
Flexible Spending Account
Affirmative Action
Electronic Records Management
Benefits Reporting & Disclosure
Emergency Response
Retirement & Recognitions
Vendors & Software
Performance Management
Organizational &
Employee Handbooks
Workplace Harassment
Employment Contracts
Risk Management
Pay Equity
Gender Identity
Educational Assistance
Sexual Orientation
Mental Health Benefits
Learning & Development
Business Continuity
Workforce Planning
Open Enrollment
Environmental Health Hazards
Workplace Culture
Employee Surveys
Leave Management
Remote & Hybrid Work
Parental Leave
Dependent Benefits
Talent Acquisition
Disaster Preparation & Response
Workplace Stories
Artificial Intelligence
Workplace Wellness
Time Worked
Disability Accomodations
Wellness Benefits
I-9 Compliance for Remote Employees - A Guide for Companies
More than 50% of the US workforce is working remotely as of now. According to experts, about 25-30% ...
Did You Lose Your Job During COVID-19? Here’s What to Do
First of all, know that you’re not alone in this. About 20.6 million Americans have lost their jobs ...
These Companies Are On Holiday Hiring Spree-Are You Ready?
The current unemployment rate in the US stands at 6.7%, which is almost double the rate in February ...
10 Tips to Help You Ace an Online Interview Amidst COVID-19 Crisis
Online interviews have been rising in popularity for quite some time now. It has increased by 49% s ...