Kroger will no longer offer paid covid 19 leave for unvaccinated workers

Kroger will no longer offer paid covid 19 leave for unvaccinated workers

Dec 15, 2021



One of the biggest employers in the country, Kroger has put up many steps to protect its workers from covid 19. According to a spokesperson from the company. Kroger will no longer offer paid emergency leave to unvaccinated workers who contract covid 19. Under the new policy, unvaccinated workers who contract the virus can use their earned paid time off or apply for unpaid leave. 

The spokesperson for Kroger said, "As we prepare to navigate the next phase of the pandemic, we are modifying policies to encourage safe behaviors including vaccination, which we continue to incentivize with a $100 payment for all fully vaccinated associates." She added, "The special leave will remain available to fully vaccinated associates who may have breakthrough cases." 

The new policy from Kroger comes with just over 60% of the American population fully vaccinated against the virus that killed  800,000 in the U.S., and as the Delta and Omicron variants continue to spread. It also comes amid uncertainty for businesses over the fate of federal vaccination rules, with those issued by the Biden administration facing legal challenges. According to the company, salaried, unvaccinated Kroger workers who are enrolled in the company healthcare plan will pay a $50 monthly surcharge starting January 1, 2022, with hourly and unionized workers exempt from the new policy. 

Source: CBS News 

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