Remote work "no longer acceptable" : Elon Musk

Remote work "no longer acceptable" : Elon Musk

Jun 03, 2022



According to a leaked company memo entitled "Remote work is no longer acceptable", Tesla CEO Elon Musk said employees must report back to their assigned offices at least 40 hours a week. In a follow-up email, he told his employees, "If you don't show up, we will assume you have resigned." Musk seems to confirm the authenticity of the leaked memo by answering questions about it on Twitter. Tesla did not immediately confirm that the mail was from its CEO. 

While arguing against remote work, Musk said that his constant physical presence at the company has been integral to Tesla's success. He wrote, "That is why I lived in the factory so much- so that those on the line could see me working alongside them. If I had not done that, Tesla would long ago have gone bankrupt."He added that Tesla does not build great products by "phoning it in."

When asked by a Twitter user about his stance on remote work advocates who believe reporting to a physical workplace is an antiquated way of doing business, Musk replied, "They should pretend to work somewhere else." Meanwhile, across the country, many managers have softened their stance on remote working as covid 19 persists and infection rates rise in some parts of the U.S. 

Source: CBS News

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