Americans feel the Delta variant pinch on their wallets

Sep 20, 2021



The Delta variant is slowly making its way through the American economy and a lot of workers have already started feeling its presence in their income. This week's Lost Pay/Income Tracker report by the Morning Consult brought to light some concerning figures. ...

A "normal" Labor Day

Sep 07, 2021



Labor Day for many marks the end of summer as everybody goes back into their places of work post vacations. For the second year in a row, Labor Day was celebrated among the pandemic, which means that traditional methods of celebrations had to be put behind. This time period is the busiest for servi ...

374,000 jobs added in August, below expected number

Sep 02, 2021



374,000 jobs were added in August as compared to 330,000 in July. Although the numbers look high, the predicted number of jobs was 638,000 while the number of jobs actually added was 374,000. The service sector is responsible for a large number of jobs added. Data recovered from research conducted ...

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Financial steps to consider before quitting your job

Americans live paycheck to paycheck, making it difficult to leave their current employer. All thing ...

I-9 Compliance for Remote Employees - A Guide for Companies

More than 50% of the US workforce is working remotely as of now. According to experts, about 25-30% ...

The Unionization Wave

From the peak of the pandemic in 2020 through the Great Resignation wave, unionization has been a ...

25+ Hiring Strategies To Help You Source Talented Candidates

Companies have resorted to digital hiring processes to ensure health, safety, and convenience to jo ...

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