The unexpected boom in startups

Nov 10, 2020



The country is trying to get back on its feet after the horror show the virus unleashed on the globe. There's an interesting trend to notice here though. Despite the rising number of cases and people losing jobs, there's also a rising trend of startups. Some are also calling it a startup boom. The ...

Impact of COVID on black women.

Oct 26, 2020



People from all walks of life were working on creating beautiful products and offering different services, that were thriving before a global crisis hit the world. A lot of small businesses that were thriving before, had to shut shop, or were seriously impacted. It is no exaggeration to say that th ...

Making a new start in business!

Oct 22, 2020



The pandemic has impacted everyone in the world at varying levels. There's a massive loss of life and money across the globe. While some are finding it hard to cope up with and it is understandable, some are using it as a means to start afresh. A lot of people who have lost their jobs and finding i ...

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