Jobless claims fall to a 3-week low of 803,000

Dec 23, 2020



After a rise for a few weeks, the jobless claims fall to a 3-week low of 803,000, falling by 89,000. However, there has been a rise in layoffs due to coronavirus. With so much happening around the stimulus and the fresh wave of new cases, it has become quite difficult to predict what to expect in t ...

Amazon to add 500 jobs in Carencro

Dec 23, 2020



Amazon is one of the few companies that have thrived even in this challenging year because of its usability in the current global scenario of restrictions. To keep up with the rising online demand, they have opened several fulfillment centers across regions. One fulfillment center will be opened by ...

Twist Bioscience Plans to Bring 400 Jobs to Oregon

Dec 23, 2020



Dubbed to be the "Factory of the Future", Twist Bioscience, a California-based company announced a new facility outside of Portland, Oregon. The facility that is said to begin its operation sometime in 2022, would create about 400 jobs in Oregon. “The Portland area is an established technology hub ...

Top economists see slowing economic recovery

Dec 23, 2020



“Since the pandemic is still raging, there’s a high degree of uncertainty about the future direction of the economy,” says Mark Hamrick, Bankrate’s senior economic analyst. “But we have reason for hope. Some improvement is expected over the coming year, but the recovery will be uneven with respect ...

Cecil Airport hangar expansion expected to add 400 jobs

Dec 23, 2020



The Cecil Airport currently has 350 people, but with the construction of a new hanger, it is estimated to add 400 new jobs. The construction is estimated to start next autumn and Boeing expects to start the operations by January 2024. The combined investment by the aviation authority and Boeing is ...

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Let's Talk about the Hustle Economy

With the COVID-19 outbreak, it has increased manifold, owing to the rise in remote working. It’s be ...

Financial steps to consider before quitting your job

Americans live paycheck to paycheck, making it difficult to leave their current employer. All thing ...

Is It Time For Recruiters To Think Like Marketers?

About 46% of recruiters acknowledge this by seeing recruitment more as marketing than an expansion ...

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