Addressing the demand for software engineers

Addressing the demand for software engineers

May 27, 2020



IT has a serious talent gap. Software engineers have been in demand for a while, and the demand seems to be an upward growth with an estimate of employment growing by 23% in 2028, which is 5% faster than the average projected growth rate for all occupations. Tech recruiters are advised to rethink their strategies for recruiting the best talent. While software engineers have educational qualifications backing them up, a whopping 73% of software developers are self-taught to an extent, and almost 9 per cent have gained their skills through coding boot camps. Encouraging these skill sets and making them more accessible is a great way of generating supply for software engineers since the skills can be learned by anyone who is willing to put in the effort, even if the resources are on the lower side. Read the full article for deeper insights.

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