Robots will not replace humans

Dec 08, 2020



The global pandemic has forced countries across the globe to impose lockdown or restrictions to keep the virus at bay. This has led to job cuts at a mass scale. At the same time, we've seen a tremendous acceleration in technology. The things that would have to take a couple of years are happening i ...

Only robots can bring back manufacturing?

Nov 02, 2020



Bringing back manufacturing has been the topic of discussion across tables. Especially with the elections being the centre of discussion for all this. But bike pioneer has very different thoughts on this. Kent Bicycles employs about 150 people at a plant in Manning, South Carolina that Kamler ope ...

How robots will make our work more human?

Oct 26, 2020



A global crisis put millions of people out of jobs and compelled millions of others to work remotely. It has made people work in isolation and that has caused a lot of people to stress. Another factor stressing people is how this crisis has led to the acceleration of automation. Things that were ex ...

The U.S. lost over 60 million jobs

Oct 26, 2020



The country is already ravaged by a lot of things, right from division to a rising number of cases to job losses to an unstable economy. Robots, tech, and AI could add another problem. The World Economic Forum (WEF) concluded in a recent report that “a new generation of smart machines, fueled by ra ...

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