Will the supply chain survive COVID-19?

Will the supply chain survive COVID-19?

Jun 01, 2020



As you read this, there's around half a dozen COVID-19 vaccine candidates in clinical trials and competitive timelines and manufacturing plans which could lead to an array of options by next year. There are many steps being taken to speed up the process, such as going ahead with manufacturing prep while the clinical trials are ongoing, but there will still be many roadblocks due to the disruptions in the supply chain. We will need 850 million needles and syringes to deliver the vaccine, but we have only 15 million in the Strategic National Stockpile. Healthcare takes lessons from vaccine manufacturing during the H1N1 pandemic to make sure that the COVID-19 vaccine manufacturing goes smoothly. Get deeper insights here; https://www.pwc.com/us/en/industries/health-industries/library/covid-vaccine-timeline.html 

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