The DOORS program established to help with Great Resignation

The DOORS program established to help with Great Resignation

Nov 10, 2021



The DOORS program stands for Data for Opportunity in Occupational Reskilling Solutions, it was launched in Rhode Island using the funds from the CARES Act and has since been extended to Hawaii with $2 million from Amazon. 

The program uses AI and unemployment insurance data to match workers with training programs and job opportunities that correspond with their background and are opening up in their state. Officials believe that this program can help get more Americans back to work. Rhode Island Labor Director Scott Jensen, now CEO of Research Improving People's Lives said "we don't see Social Security Numbers, but you can see an individual human being through a whole career, and when they switch industries and they do different things and grow within an industry." 

It's quite similar to the way data is used by streaming platforms, through the DOORS program the agency will have information regarding their previous employment, where they went, and what they did. When a newly unemployed person shows up they will suggest switches that have worked for people with similar backgrounds and tastes. RIFL which is a Tech nonprofit has agreements with Washington, Colorado, and New Jersey to make the DOORS program accessible to their workers.  

Source: Politico

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