Activision Blizzard sees second walkout in four months

Activision Blizzard sees second walkout in four months

Nov 18, 2021



For the past few years, video games have taken the world by storm. Their popularity rose to such heights that we now have a Fortnite championship with millions of dollars as the grand prize. 

What makes these games so engaging are their visuals and features, in most of these games the player gets to pick their one character or avatar. They can then constantly better their avatar by adding additional features to them. Video game graphics are extremely advanced and while as consumers we enjoy them, the price is paid by someone else. Behind the screens, that is the video game development industry is as pretty as their products. In order to keep players interested game owners force video game developers to constantly roll out new features which in turn puts them in a state of contact crunch. Crunch time lasts for years forcing developers to barely rest and even see their families. Former employees have said that the completion is so high that if you do not adhere to these time schedules you will most likely be sacked. Female game developers have constantly said that the industry is a "boys club" they have to face constant sexism and forms of harassment. 

Activision Blizzard which is a leading game development company has been facing a lot of heat for the work culture they have fostered. Recently the company witnessed its second employee walkout in the past four months. The walkout was staged after a report was published in the Wall Street Journal that their CEO Bobby Kotick was aware of the sexual misconduct allegation and refrained from reporting it to the board of directors. The employees made multiple demands which included the resignation of Kotick and the review of the company by a worker-appointed third party. The company gave out a statement saying that the claims made by the WSJ report are bogus. Kotick sent out an internal video claiming innocence. The employees however see this as a recurring issue and have had enough. 

Source: The Washington Post

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