Restaurants are shutting down again amidst Omicron surge
The "Help Wanted" sign had just been removed from the windows of Sawmill Bar and Grill in Millinocket as Dean Rodrigue the owner finally hired a bartender after months of struggle, bringing his employment pool to 8 people. His new hire worked a four-hour shift but before her return, he got a text from her saying she had tested positive for coronavirus. Rodrigue's decision was right inf front of him. He had to shut down the restaurant, especially during peak business season. He re-opened the restaurant the next weekend once all the other staff members tested negative.
Rodrigue isn't the only business owner who is navigating the uncertainties and financial toll of the situation, especially amidst the rising omicron cases. More and more newly hired staff members are testing positive or becoming prone to exposure forcing businesses to close again. Multiple bars and restaurants around the country are shutting down and reopening after false alarms or staff members testing positive. For spaces especially like restaurants, it's not just about the business but also their responsibility towards the well-being of the public and their staff. The omicron variant is said to be more contagious and aggressive than the previous strand of the virus. Staff members are also worried about picking up the infection at work as news of bars shutting down after an infected customer dines there spreads throughout the country. Since it is the holiday season, many of them will be visiting their families further spreading the virus if contracted.
Source: The Washington Post
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