Amazon's new settlement for workers and unionizing

Amazon's new settlement for workers and unionizing

Dec 27, 2021



Amazon has reached a settlement with the nation's labor regulator allowing its workers to organize freely without retaliation. The company said that according to its agreement with National Labor Relations Board, it would reach out to former and current warehouse workers via email to notify them of their rights to organize. Amazon has 750,000 workers in the US and the settlement outlines that they have more room to organize within buildings. The company said that it would not threaten workers, discipline them or call the police when they congregate in non-work areas during non-work time. 

Amazon previously had a policy that forbade employees from non-work areas like break rooms or workplace medical units for more than 15 minutes before or after their shifts. Jennifer Abruzzo, NLRB General Counsel said in a statement, "Whether a company has 10 employees or a million employees, it must abide by the National Labor Relations Act. This settlement agreement provides a crucial commitment from Amazon to millions of its workers across the United States that it will not interfere with their right to act collectively to improve their workplace by forming a union or taking other collective action."

She also added that" working people should know that the National Labor Relations Board will vigorously seek to ensure Amazon's compliance with the settlement and continue to defend the labor rights of all workers."

Source: CBS News 

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