Walmart accused of sexist driver uniforms

Walmart accused of sexist driver uniforms

Jan 17, 2022



A lawsuit alleges that the uniforms Walmart's truck drivers are required to wear amount to "blatant sex discrimination" against female workers as they only fit male bodies. A class-action lawsuit was filed in Alabama on Tuesday by Diana Webb, a Walmart truck driver. She said her ill-fitting uniform has led her to buy garments that resemble the retailer's mandatory attire. Webb joined Walmart in July 2020 as a delivery driver and she has asked the company to reimburse her for the money she spent on the clothes. However, her complaint states that the company declined. 

The lawsuit states, "This request was denied by her supervisors and [Webb] was told that if she was reimbursed, Walmart would have to reimburse all female drivers and that they declined to do so." The lawsuit argues that Walmart is breaking federal law by not offering uniforms that fit women better. 

Her complaint also argues, "Female drivers are therefore required to either suffer discomfort or purchase and launder their own pants, out of their own pocket, with no option for reimbursement in order to fulfill Walmart's employment requirements." Randy Hargrove, spokesperson for Walmart said in a statement that the company does not require drivers to wear company-provided pants. 

Source: CBS News 

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