7 charts illustrating the effect of COVID-19 on the job market
In March, the US economy cut 701,000 jobs, when it was expecting a loss of 100,000. What's more, is that over 14 million employees in the US face the risk of COVID-19 exposure every day at work. This has gravely affected a lot of things, such as the labor participation rate and the unemployment rat ...
Drug & Alcohol Testing
Leave Management
Paid Leave
Organization & Employee Development
Time Worked
Workplace Harassment
Overtime Pay
Electronic Records Management
Mental Wellness
Benefits Compliance
Family & Medical Leave
Salary Surveys
Performance Management
Employee Engagement
Artificial Intelligence
Inclusion, Equity & Diversity
Gender Identity
Risk Management
Workplace Wellness
Affirmative Action
Workplace Culture
Parental Leave
Disaster Preparation & Response
Health Savings Accounts
Environmental Health Hazards
Work Life Integration
Analytical Aptitude
Policies & Practices
Communicable Diseases
Workplace Stories
Inclusion, Equity &
Emergency Response
Unemployment Benefits
Dependent Benefits
Employee Resource Groups
Workforce Planning
Employee Conduct
Contracts & RFPs
Compensation & Benefits
Sexualy Harassment
Employment Branding
Why Work With Staffing Agencies To Hire Your Temporary Workers
Recruitment is getting more challenging day by day. Layers of complexities have emerged with the pa ...
25+ Hiring Strategies To Help You Source Talented Candidates
Companies have resorted to digital hiring processes to ensure health, safety, and convenience to jo ...
Is It Time For Recruiters To Think Like Marketers?
About 46% of recruiters acknowledge this by seeing recruitment more as marketing than an expansion ...
Top 5 Challenges of HR Professionals During COVID-19 Pandemic
When it comes to the talks of the unemployment rate due to COVID-19, experts compare it to the Grea ...