3-min job applications to 2-day job offers: Companies quicken hiring

3-min job applications to 2-day job offers: Companies quicken hiring

Feb 25, 2022



Companies are in the race to hire the best talent. With millions of job openings and not enough workers, employers are struggling to attract new workers and retain the ones they have. According to data from the Labor Department, by the end of 2021, there were 10.9 million job openings. One way companies found to tackle this situation is to quicken hiring processes. 

Houston-based WM (formerly Waste Management) is seeking to hire 12,000 to 15,000 employees across the country this year after hiring nearly 15,000 workers in 2021. But the tight labor market has raised its challenges. To attract more candidates, the company has streamlined its job application process. Now it only takes 3 mins to complete the application, which is a drop from roughly 15 to 20 minutes. The company has also made the application accessible through a QR code. Shweta Kurvey-Mishra, the vice president says, "What we don't want is for people to start an application and drop off because it's really cumbersome."

For positions that are in demand, like commercial truck driver jobs and driver apprenticeships, job seekers can go from application to offer in just two to three days. Pre-pandemic, the process could take a few weeks. Home Depot is also hiring quickly with its accelerated hiring process where applicants could receive an offer in one day. 

Source: CNN

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