New 42 worker files bias lawsuit

Jun 10, 2022



According to the lawsuit, Ray, who is white, alleged that the diversity programs implemented by New 42 included "racially discriminatory propaganda and lectures promoting discriminatory ideology on the basis of race." Ray said he was asked to join a conversation about a "white affinity group" and a ...

Wage gaps by Gender.

Oct 27, 2020



The wage gap isn't a new term and has been prevalent across the globe for decades. There has been a constant effort to reduce this gap. People are educated about it, and awareness of massive scale is created. With laws and rights in place, the gap has been reducing, but we still haven't reached whe ...

Impact of COVID on black women.

Oct 26, 2020



People from all walks of life were working on creating beautiful products and offering different services, that were thriving before a global crisis hit the world. A lot of small businesses that were thriving before, had to shut shop, or were seriously impacted. It is no exaggeration to say that th ...

Can a strong job market reduce racial inequality?

Jul 01, 2020



According to US Fed CHair Jerome Powell, if the US labor market can go to back to its pre-COVID state, it could help in reducing racial inequality. Although he dodged questions about whether or not the Feds add to the issue, Powell talks about how racial disparities are a routine part of work now. ...

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