"Penguin Post Office" is hiring

"Penguin Post Office" is hiring

Apr 24, 2022



The world's most remote post office is hiring, running water not included. Hundreds of people are applying for a coveted job to run a post office in Antarctica, one of the key responsibilities includes the ability to count penguins.

This covert post office located in Port Lockey is affectionately dubbed "The Penguin Post Office", the island is the size of about a football field and is populated by hundreds of penguins. Four candidates will be selected for a five-month role starting from November to March. Although each employee has a unique role, they are collectively responsible for maintaining the historic site and catering to the thousands of tourists who arrive by boat. One of their key responsibilities includes monitoring the wildlife which means tallying the penguins and other environmental data. 

Although the proposition is interesting and probably quite scenic, applicants are warned that it is not a very glamorous job. If selected, the candidate has to live without running water, internet, or cell phone services for five months. The team stays together in a small lodge where they sleep in bunk beds and share a single bathroom and camping toilet. Visiting ships will offer showers when they stop by. Having said that, the job offer attracts hundreds of applicants every year, once even 2500. 

Source: The Washington Post

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