"Penguin Post Office" is hiring

Apr 24, 2022



Although the proposition is interesting and probably quite scenic, applicants are warned that it is not a very glamorous job. If selected, the candidate has to live without running water, internet, or cell phone services for five months. The team stays together in a small lodge where they sleep in ...

Military officials and their tryst with the sexual assault law

Apr 24, 2022



Multiple news organizations for over a year and a half now have been looking into the sexual assault within the US military uncovered failures by leaders to address it. Dozens of survivors and former employees who work for the military's Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program have come forw ...

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Driver Jobs to Watch Out For

If you love being on the road, if you love driving with the wind rushing through your hair, if your ...

Let's Talk about the Hustle Economy

With the COVID-19 outbreak, it has increased manifold, owing to the rise in remote working. It’s be ...

A complete breakdown of the US Commercial Drivers Licenses

In the United States of America to operate any type of large automobile, you need a license. This i ...

10 Tips to Help You Ace an Online Interview Amidst COVID-19 Crisis

Online interviews have been rising in popularity for quite some time now. It has increased by 49% s ...

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