US jobs increase while Bitcoin declines
The most well-known cryptocurrency, Bitcoin (BTC), is still having bad luck. ...
After considering Inflation, are American workers really prospering?
It's no secret that the pandemic has created a tight labor market in the US, in order to attract more workers, employers have used a multitude of tactics starting from increasing base pay to paying for tuition. The hourly earnings of an American worker have increased by 5% compared to last year. ...
Bankers expected to get higher bonuses this year
Every year, as tradition, Wall Street Bankers try to negotiate higher bonuses, this year owing to the economic progression, they might actually get bigger cheques. ...
Top economists see slowing economic recovery
“Since the pandemic is still raging, there’s a high degree of uncertainty about the future direction of the economy,” says Mark Hamrick, Bankrate’s senior economic analyst. “But we have reason for hope. Some improvement is expected over the coming year, but the recovery will be uneven with respect ...
Near-zero emissions industrial emissions would create 5 million jobs.
There's been a lot of discussions going around clean energy and looking for ways to reduce emissions across the country and the globe. If a recent analysis is to be believed, 7 common-sense policies that avoid wasted energy, transition to clean fuels, and reduce industrial sector emissions could bo ...
Why the US economy will take off in 2021?
The American economy was jolted by three major things in 2020 - COVID 19, the racial unrest, and an election that created a huge divide. This put the US economy to a screeching halt making it difficult for people from all walks of life. However, the story of 2021 could be very different. It could b ...
US economic restart, recovery will continue into 2021
The economic outlook and employment rate has been severely affected by the virus-induced lockdown and restrictions. With the resurge in the cases, things don't seem to go back to how one would have anticipated any time soon. The Kelley School of Business forecasted in November the U.S. economy rest ...
Will create recovery for all: Biden
US President-elect Joe Biden on Tuesday introduced his high-profile and experienced team to the nation and is quite confident that it will create recovery for all and get the country's economy moving again. We will create jobs, raise incomes, reduce drugs prices, advance racial equity across the ec ...
Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses Are Vital to Our Economy
While the operational aspects and thinking might vary between entrepreneurs and small businesses, both have somewhat similar needs. Both of them also play a vital role in the economy. We're at that stage where entrepreneurs and small businesses contribute significantly in terms of job creation as w ...
The unexpected boom in startups
The country is trying to get back on its feet after the horror show the virus unleashed on the globe. There's an interesting trend to notice here though. Despite the rising number of cases and people losing jobs, there's also a rising trend of startups. Some are also calling it a startup boom. The ...
Disability Accomodations
Ethical Practice
Background Checks
Business Continuity
Retirement Benefits
Workforce Planning
Workers' Compensation
Organizational Structure
Workplace Culture
Dependent Benefits
Health Care Benefits
Leadership Development
Time Worked
Social Media
Severance Pay
Vendors & Software
Disability Benefits
Overtime Eligibility &
Policies & Practices
Opening & Closing
Electronic Records Management
Employee Handbooks
Employee Relations
Learning & Development
Employment Contracts
Data Security
Work Visas
Global Mindset
Sexual Orientation
Sexualy Harassment
Mental Health Benefits
Communicable Diseases
Religion & Spirituality
Contracts & RFPs
Employee Surveys
Open Enrollment
Flexible Spending Account
Retirement & Recognitions
Workplace Wellness
Analytical Aptitude
Educational Assistance
Employment Testing
Risk Management
Millennials Care About These 8 Things at Their Workplace - Are Your Offering Those?
Millennials are considered to be social people, who live by the ‘work hard play hard’ mantra and ar ...
What Why and How of Background Checks A Useful Guide for Staffing Agencies
Background checks are one of the pre-employment requisites to prevent bad hires. About 96% of emplo ...
7 Signs That Tell You It’s Time to Quit Your Current Job
Last year, about 4,478,000 workers, which is approximately 3% of the workforce in the US (besides t ...
Gig Economy and Its Impact on Staffing Firms
With over 20.5 million US workers losing their jobs in April 2020 during the national lockdown, man ...