Opportunities in legal tech
While the legal industry has been hit hard by COVID-19, it may be opening some doors for graduates who are being sought after by legal tech companies. These skills are relatively new and can add a lot of benefits to the operations of legal firms. Take a look at the rise of legal tech here. ...
Employee Engagement
Vendors & Software
Compensation & Benefits
People Management
Substance Abuse
Open Enrollment
Severance Pay
Mentoring & Coaching
Workplance Violence
Campus Placement
Employment Branding
Fiduciary Duty
Hiring & Firing
Time Worked
Contracts & RFPs
Work Life Integration
HR Software
Disaster Preparation & Response
Retirement Benefits
Artificial Intelligence
Global Mindset
Leadership Development
Career Development
Electronic Records Management
Gender Identity
Benefits Compliance
Inclusion, Equity & Diversity
Employee Handbooks
Educational Assistance
Executive Compensation
Workforce Planning
Disability Accomodations
Religious Accomodations
Employment Law & Compliance
Mental Health Benefits
Work Visas
Benefits Reporting & Disclosure
Relationship Management
Business Acumen
Bonuses & Incentives
Are 4 day work weeks the future?
Robert Owen, a Welsh textile mill owner, social reformer, and labor activist came up with a slogan ...
Nursing Job Openings
It’s no secret that the healthcare sector has been reigning in all its powers over the years, parti ...
How Startups Can Ensure Success While Working With Freelancers
However, the scenario has changed drastically in the last ten years. According to a report by Forbe ...
With Remote Working Being the New Norm, How to Hire the Best remote Workers
Before the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, about 7 million people in the US alone were working rem ...