Gas station manager raises $20,000 for mistake that got him fired
John Szczecina was let go from his job after charging 69 cents a gallon for premium gas at Shell gas station in Rancho Cordova, California by mistake. The gas station allegedly lost $20,000 after hundreds of cars flocked the station to take advantage of the low prices.
Fearing that the gas station company would sue him, Szczecina's sister started a GoFundMe page which ended up raising $24,000. However, in a surprising turn of events, the gas station owners refused to accept the money. The company that owns the station sent Szczecina a letter saying they "will not accept" the money raised by Szczecina's family. "To be clear, at no time has the Company told you that it intends to seek payment from you to reimburse that Company's losses. Nor does the Company intend to take any legal action against you in connection with the incorrect fuel pricing incident. The Company does not want the money raised and will not accept it." The company has also asked the family to shut down the fundraiser and return the money to the donors or donate it to two charities supported by the company. "It is the Company's view that the people who have donated to your GoFundMe fundraising campaign have been misled. The GoFundMe page should be shut down and the people who donated to you should have their money returned." said the letter.
Business Attorney Craig Simmermon said that Szczecina would be protected from liability from a mistake performing normal job duties. The only way he would be held liable is if he operated outside the scope of this employment that is if his employer explicitly asked him not to set the price on the gas pump and he did it. Jackson said that he admires Szczecina's attempts to rectify his mistake, however, the company believes that the money is being collected under false pretense as Szczecina does not face any legal responsibilities.
Source: Business Insider
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