Facebook instructs employees to preserve documents since 2016
Facebook sent out an internal memo to all its employees asking them to maintain documents for all forms of communications that occurred since 2016. This was sent in light of the recent and extremely public investigations conducted on Facebook regarding their involvement in various world events. ...
Facebook employees pleaded to regulate content
Facebook has been under investigation since one of its former employees turned a whistleblower regarding the involvement of Facebook in many world events. Latest internal communications documents suggest that the employees of the Silicon Valley giant had repeatedly asked the heads to regulate the c ...
Former Facebook employee identified as whistle blower
Former Facebook employee Francis Haugen has revealed herself as the 'whistleblower' behind leaking tons of classified documents containing internal company research. These documents prove that the media giant has been negligent in eliminating violent and misleading content from their platform all w ...
Facebook Introduces Invoice Fast Track Program
Facebook recently introduced their Invoice Fast Track Program, this initiative was given a $100 million commitment by the tech giant. This program is said to support small businesses and businesses owned by women and minorities. As a part of this program, Facebook will buy all of the outstanding in ...
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Return to Office: Tips to cope with Change
The past two years have been a roller coaster ride, we’ve all acclimatized ourselves with the work ...
Effective Ways to Stay Productive While Telecommuting
Remote working is not a new thing in the US but a lifesaver in the current situation when social di ...
A Quick Look at The Great Resignation
The Great Resignation, as experts call it, is a rather fitting term for a phenomenon where millions ...
What Why and How of Background Checks A Useful Guide for Staffing Agencies
Background checks are one of the pre-employment requisites to prevent bad hires. About 96% of emplo ...