10 Million Working Moms Are Burned Out
It has been over one year since the first instance of the contagious virus was traced and about 8 months since it brought the American Economy to a screeching halt. The virus and virus-induced lockdown and restrictions have affected people across different backgrounds. Working moms have to face an ...
Jobs losses for women
The global pandemic induced lockdown and restrictions have thousands of companies out of business and have also caused millions of job losses. People from all strata of society have been going through some challenges. However, marginalized folks and women have had to face the brunt even more than o ...
What will it take to survive shecession
A female-driven recession fueled by disappearing jobs in the service sector, coupled with a lack of childcare options and a falling economy, has triggered a nationwide shecession. We are already seeing its effects and how it has affected women and how bad its impact could be for the future of work ...
Are we in a Shecession?
Pre-COVID, the world hadn't only seen a mancession or a recession that impacted all genders equally. This time it is quite different. Job losses for women are much higher than the job losses for men. It affects a family's ability to offset income losses and could possibly produce a deeper recession ...
COVID-19 recession hit women especially hard
Barring a very tiny percentage of people, the pandemic has affected people from all walks of life. However, according to data more women have been rendered jobless than men. Sectors such as leisure, hospitality, and education that are women dominated have been affected really badly. If appropriate ...
The first female recession in the US
Since the 1970s, women have worked hard to rise above an oppressive system that still treats them unequally. This is because men were considered the primary breadwinners, whereas women who occupied most of the low-income work have witnessed an array of these jobs disappear. According to the BLS, fe ...
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With Remote Working Being the New Norm, How to Hire the Best remote Workers
Before the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, about 7 million people in the US alone were working rem ...
Here Is How to Answer These 5 Tricky HR Questions
During an interview, you’re not only asked questions according to your credibility and qualificatio ...
With Manufacturing Jobs Returning to America, What Does It Mean for Manufacturing Job Seekers?
Reshoring is on its way for the US, due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, especially for the tech man ...
How Startups Can Ensure Success While Working With Freelancers
However, the scenario has changed drastically in the last ten years. According to a report by Forbe ...