$15 billion for airlines to bring back furloughed workers
After a lot of conversations around the stimulus package, a $900 billion package was signed on Sunday with airlines being one of the biggest winners with $15 billion stimulus package. It was done to bring back the furloughed airline workers and restore air services to cities that lost the same due ...
Far from a new stimulus plan
Things might not go as expected any time soon. The resurge in cases has raised a lot of questions and has put a lot of questions on coffee table discussion. American people are staring down at least three more months without any further stimulus or economic support from the federal government, even ...
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Gig Economy and Its Impact on Staffing Firms
With over 20.5 million US workers losing their jobs in April 2020 during the national lockdown, man ...
Tips To Help You Create A Robust Hiring Strategy For 2021
While employment is steadily rising in all sectors, the fear of COVID-19 still reigns supreme. As t ...
10 Tips to Help You Ace an Online Interview Amidst COVID-19 Crisis
Online interviews have been rising in popularity for quite some time now. It has increased by 49% s ...
7 Signs That Tell You It’s Time to Quit Your Current Job
Last year, about 4,478,000 workers, which is approximately 3% of the workforce in the US (besides t ...