How will the workforce adapt?

Nov 30, 2020



Technology and skill requirement has changed at a very rapid pace due to the global crisis. The jobs and skills that seemed super important might not be relevant in the next 5 or 10 years. Most complex workplaces have already employed robots and automation technology that not only assists human wor ...

How will the AI job market fair?

Nov 24, 2020



Artificial Intelligence has emerged significantly in the last few decades. As per a 2017 research from IDC, released by Salesforce, AI is projected to create 823,734 jobs by the year 2021, surpassing the number of jobs lost to AI technologies such as machine learning and automation. These reports m ...

Has COVID accelerated automation?

Oct 21, 2020



There's no debate on COVID being the driving force being a lot of company's digitalization. What was to be done in years has been implemented in a few months. Companies have started leveraging automation and AI to have a competitive edge, and employees have started understanding and adapting to the ...

3 skills leaders should master!

Sep 29, 2020



The global crisis has changed our current working styles and accelerated massive transformations across industries. We've seen a massive spike in the implementation of technology as well as seen a spurt in soft skills. So, what will be some of the key skills leaders need to have if they wish to thr ...

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