Impact of COVID on black women.
People from all walks of life were working on creating beautiful products and offering different services, that were thriving before a global crisis hit the world. A lot of small businesses that were thriving before, had to shut shop, or were seriously impacted. It is no exaggeration to say that th ...
The U.S. lost over 60 million jobs
The country is already ravaged by a lot of things, right from division to a rising number of cases to job losses to an unstable economy. Robots, tech, and AI could add another problem. The World Economic Forum (WEF) concluded in a recent report that “a new generation of smart machines, fueled by ra ...
How robots will make our work more human?
A global crisis put millions of people out of jobs and compelled millions of others to work remotely. It has made people work in isolation and that has caused a lot of people to stress. Another factor stressing people is how this crisis has led to the acceleration of automation. Things that were ex ...
The end of US dollar's dominance?
The US dollar has been dominant for decades. It is the primary global reserve currency and plays a significant role in global trade financial flows. A single dominant currency has important implications for global financial stability. The US dollar funding conditions became tense in March but were ...
Work Visas
Business Continuity
Drug & Alcohol Testing
Employment Law & Compliance
Intellectual Property
Talent Acquisition
Gender Identity
HR Careers
Pay Equity
Workforce Planning
Job Descriptions
Relationship Management
Employment Offers
Religion & Spirituality
Workplace Wellness
Organizational &
Inclusion, Equity & Diversity
Dependent Benefits
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Sexualy Harassment
Employee Conduct
Substance Abuse
Benefits Compliance
Environmental Health Hazards
Retirement Benefits
Remote & Hybrid Work
Learning & Development
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Parental Leave
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Campus Placement
Emergency Response
Employment Testing
Unemployment Benefits
Career Development
Communicable Diseases
Artificial Intelligence
Leave Management
Leadership Development
Ethical Practice
Overtime Pay
Tips To Help You Create A Robust Hiring Strategy For 2021
While employment is steadily rising in all sectors, the fear of COVID-19 still reigns supreme. As t ...
I-9 Compliance for Remote Employees - A Guide for Companies
More than 50% of the US workforce is working remotely as of now. According to experts, about 25-30% ...
These Companies Are On Holiday Hiring Spree-Are You Ready?
The current unemployment rate in the US stands at 6.7%, which is almost double the rate in February ...
Millennials Care About These 8 Things at Their Workplace - Are Your Offering Those?
Millennials are considered to be social people, who live by the ‘work hard play hard’ mantra and ar ...