Exxon to cut 14000 global workforce
In other unpleasant news, Exxon will be cutting about 15% of its workforce by 2022. Exxon is North America's biggest oil explorer. “These actions will improve the company’s long-term cost competitiveness and ensure the company manages through the current unprecedented market conditions,” the compa ...
Nova Steel USA to create 110 jobs
Nova Steel USA Inc. plans to locate a tube manufacturing facility in Bowling Green, a $70 million investment that is expected to create 110 full-time jobs in the coming years. “Our state’s primary metals industry continues to thrive despite the challenging economic climate. This significant investm ...
Amazon's Q3 revenue totals $96 billion
Amazon announced in financials for the quarter ending on September 30 and here are some of the key highlights of the same: Operating cash flow increased 56% to $55.3 billion for the trailing twelve months, compared with $35.3 billion for the trailing twelve months ended September 30, 2019. Free cas ...
Unemployment claim falls
With the global crisis and restrictions across the country since March, we've seen millions of people lose their jobs, and businesses have been severely impacted. However, the latest unemployment claims fall to the lowest since March. It comes as one of the very few things amidst what has been goin ...
Boeing to cut 7,000 jobs
The effects of the global crisis seem to leave no one and are continuing to create havoc across the nation and the world. The resurgence in the cases is a cause of worry as we are approaching the holiday season. Business across all sizes are facing the brunt of the crisis this year has unleashed up ...
Small businesses continue to recover.
With hard work, dedication, and passion, a lot can be achieved and small businesses are the best example of that. The economic condition across the country isn't as one would want it to be, but there's been a steady recovery for small businesses. They are reaping the rewards of consistent hard work ...
The grim economic reality
We're soon going to witness a winner from the race between Donald Trump and Joe Biden for the White House. Whoever wins will have a tough job at hand considering the economic disruption the global pandemic has caused. People have lost lives, millions have lost their jobs, and businesses are facing ...
8000 union jobs expected to be created
Amidst the backdrop of grim news of job cuts and losses, there's a ray of hope. TC Energy Corp. announced on Wednesday morning that it has awarded more than $1.6 billion worth of contracts to six major American union contractors. These contracts were awarded to execute pipeline construction across ...
Some of the weirdest jobs across the country
About 147 million Americans are holding a job and a majority of them might be conventional, we often come across jobs that are not conventional and raise a few eyebrows for sure. While some states have some similar unique jobs, some of them are limited to just that particular state. Find out which ...
Soft skills in high demand
Hard skills are essential for a person to be able to perform certain tasks and become employable, but the pandemic has shifted the focus from hard skills and redirected a substantial weightage to soft skills. An increasingly high number of companies are also looking at soft skills to keep them aflo ...
Background Checks
Job Applications &
Family & Medical Leave
Gender Identity
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Time Worked
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Parental Leave
Employee Handbooks
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Workplance Violence
Substance Abuse
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Inclusion, Equity & Diversity
Employment Testing
Employee Resource Groups
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Eligibility Verification (I-9)
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Disability Accomodations
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Environmental Health Hazards
People Management
Overtime Eligibility &
Remote & Hybrid Work
Effective Ways to Stay Productive While Telecommuting
Remote working is not a new thing in the US but a lifesaver in the current situation when social di ...
The Future of Gig Employment
There’s no denying that the gig economy has seen much growth since the last recession. With the spr ...
How Startups Can Ensure Success While Working With Freelancers
However, the scenario has changed drastically in the last ten years. According to a report by Forbe ...
This Thanksgiving - Give Thanks To All These People
This Thanksgiving is going to be different, no doubt! But it need not be different in a negative se ...