37 jobs to be added in Murray
On Tuesday, a new joint venture was announced between Iwis Engine Systems and Daido Corp. of America — Iwis-Daido, LLC. They'd be investing $2.7million and create 37 high paying jobs. It is for the production of high-quality automotive engine chains. “We are very pleased to have this great news com ...
Michigan jobless rate rises for the first time since April
Michigan hadn't been doing badly since the initial drop in employment in April with the restrictions imposed globally to keep the spread of the virus in check. However, Michigan's seasonal unemployment rate rose to 6.9% in November. The employment in Michigan decreased by 14,000 and the number of u ...
Construction jobs have bounced back
A New York City based construction services group of Marcum LLP has released Marcum Commercial Construction Index for the third quarter of 2020. According to the index, the construction industry continued to recover jobs it had lost as the pandemic gripped the United States since March. “The first ...
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Are 4 day work weeks the future?
Robert Owen, a Welsh textile mill owner, social reformer, and labor activist came up with a slogan ...
25+ Hiring Strategies To Help You Source Talented Candidates
Companies have resorted to digital hiring processes to ensure health, safety, and convenience to jo ...
Did You Lose Your Job During COVID-19? Here’s What to Do
First of all, know that you’re not alone in this. About 20.6 million Americans have lost their jobs ...
7 Signs That Tell You It’s Time to Quit Your Current Job
Last year, about 4,478,000 workers, which is approximately 3% of the workforce in the US (besides t ...