Are some Americans being "left behind" in the employment scenario?
As millions of Americans return back to work and we look forward to a complete job recovery, such a rebound may not be as easy as we think. The fact remains that this rebound might not come easily to some people. Data shows that people without a college degree and Black women have so far the least job recovery rate. Job losses have proven to affect these people more than others.
Owing to the latest BLS data, researchers believe that chances of a full recovery are slipping further and further away. Many factors contribute to this uneven recovery rate, mainly the access to the internet and childcare services which are privileges that are privy to some people more than others. Apart from this, there was a steep decrease in the pace of hiring in August which made the supply chain issues worse, in a snowball effect inflation is also high. A sliver of hope was felt throughout the country when students started returning back to colleges and Federal Unemployment Benefits were halted but the result wasn't what we all expected, constant outbreaks of the Delta variant combined with the shortage of essential goods and lack of staff has significantly affected the recovery process.
Out of the 8.4 million who are unemployed and looking for a job, Black women of all educational levels and less educated Americas are facing a harder time. 5 million workers have been said to give on the job hunting completely and drop out of the labor force. The Black unemployment rate is at 8.8% which is double that of the White Unemployment Rate. Those who either made a full job recovery or are likely to do so are Americans above the age of 25 with a completed college degree.
Source: The Washington Post
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