Floridians face overpayment notices to return unemployment benefits

Oct 07, 2021



.Florida's Department of Economic Opportunity is trying to claw back billions in non-fraudulent unemployment benefits that were distributed in the first 18 months of the pandemic. Thousands of people in Florida have received stern letters warning them that they could be sent to collections if they ...

White House labor taskforce to boost union memberships

Oct 07, 2021



Vice President Kamala Harris and Labor Secretary Marty Walsh are set to hold a second White House meeting on Thursday with the labor task force, a group of cabinet secretaries and top aides that focus on boosting union memberships in the country. The group will be discussing recommendations on a re ...

Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program to undergo change?

Oct 07, 2021



The Education Board on Wednesday announced that the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program is going to undergo significant change. If the changes are implemented as planned, it should allow thousands of applicants to qualify for relief status much sooner than anticipated. The program will be expan ...

Food Truck owner with a passion for Deli foods

Oct 07, 2021



When the pandemic hit and he found his life in a rut, Jon Barr turned to comfort food as a source of inspiration. Jon Barr was stuck in a soul-sucking cycle of corporate jobs until one day he decided to quit and take up a small role at Bonefish Grill in the South Hills. That was a decade ago, his i ...

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Millennials Care About These 8 Things at Their Workplace - Are Your Offering Those?

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Top 5 Challenges of HR Professionals During COVID-19 Pandemic

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10 Tips to Help You Ace an Online Interview Amidst COVID-19 Crisis

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A Guide for HR Professionals to Ensure Diversity and Inclusivity at Workplace

One of the key responsibilities of HR teams is to ensure a diverse workplace and manage it effectiv ...

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