Kellog cereal factory workers go on strike

Kellog cereal factory workers go on strike

Oct 06, 2021



Workers in Kellogg cereal factories who make Corn Flakes, Frosted Flakes and Fruit Loops went on strike on Tuesday in Michigan, Nebraska, Pennsylvania and Tennessee. Anthony Shelton, president of the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union that represents the workers said that throughout the pandemic the Kellogg factory workers have been working really long, hard hours day in and day out to produce ready-to-eat cereals for all American families. He added that he supports the members for standing up to the greed of the company and will continue to support them as long as it takes for Kellogg to negotiate a fair contract with the workers that reward them for their hard work and protects the future of all Kellogg workers. 

The issues raised for the negotiation are job protection, vacation and holiday pay and healthcare. The different plants where workers are striking are at Battle Creek- Michigan (the company headquarters since its founding), Omaha, Lancaster- Pennsylvania and Memphis. Nearly 1,400 workers are on strike against the company. Kris Bahner, a press officer for Kellogg said in a statement, "We are disappointed by the union’s decision to strike, the workers' pay and benefits are among the industry's best." Ms. Bahner added that the company's offer includes increased pay and benefits for the workers while helping the company meet the challenges of the changing cereal business.

Source: The New York Times

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