Partnership between nonprofits and restaurants, boon for all

Partnership between nonprofits and restaurants, boon for all

Nov 16, 2021



The New Jersey Economic Development Authority has devised a new plan to help small-scale restaurant owners, nonprofits, and the food insecurity issue in New Jersey. 

This new state-wide program is called Sustain and Serve. As per the program, the state pays nonprofit organizations to team up with restaurants to deliver packed meals to New Jersey residents who are struggling to have a regular supply of meals. $34 million has been awarded to 29 organizations to partner with restaurants and meal delivery services, Gov. Phil Murphy announced another $10 million for the program this month. The nonprofits are supposed to partner with restaurants that have 50 employees or less. This ensures that small-scale restaurants are targeted. The program aims to serve 3.5 million meals by the end of January. 

MadeforMeals is one restaurant that Coalition for Food and Health Equality has partnered with to make this program happen. The nonprofit will serve almost 400 meals to people who are part of its Hunger Project. These include mainly people above 65, homeless individuals, and persons with disabilities. The meals are not blanket options but curated to cater to individual needs like allergies or other dietary restrictions. MadeforMeals owner Jesse McBride said that it's a project she is passionate about, the restaurant can turn a profit while giving back to the community. This initiative is a win-win situation for all, it helps nonprofits, helps small-scale businesses that are struggling due to the pandemic, and helps the food insecurity problem that has been plaguing New Jersey even before the pandemic and has only worsened since. 

Source: The New York Times  

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