Tesla employee alleges rampant sexual harassment in factories

Tesla employee alleges rampant sexual harassment in factories

Nov 22, 2021



Jessica Barraza who worked as a production associate at Tesla's Fremont factory in California has filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against the company. 

A few months into her job, Barraza began experiencing sexual harassment on a regular basis. This included catcalling, physical and verbal abuse. She recounted several incidents where her male co-workers touched her inappropriately. Most of these situations were then corroborated by other employees who either witnessed the incident or have been victims of the same. In her lawsuit which is taken up under California Fair Employment and Housing Act, Barraza alleges that the company fosters a frat-boy work culture and every new female employee is treated like a piece of meat. She said the factory floor "resembles a crude archaic construction site or frat house than cutting edge company in the heart of San Francisco Bay area". The work environment was so hostile that it triggered anxiety and Barraza had to go on medical leave after she was diagnosed with PTSD. 

Although Barraza complained to HR, no action was taken. The fact that Barraza's case reached the courts and is being spread among the public is in itself a big deal because Tesla makes almost all its employees sign an arbitration agreement which means that all the disputes that occur within the company will be settled to of court. Barraza's lawyer argues that such a practice is illegal and unenforceable. The repeated incidents of harassment dehumanize a person according to Barraza. Following Barraza, Alisa Blickman, another Tesla employee also mentioned a similar work culture at another nearby Tesla factory. This news comes just as Tesla settles another lawsuit for discrimination against an employee of color. 

Source: The Washington Post

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