Jobs for low-wage workers still down by 22%

Jobs for low-wage workers still down by 22%

Aug 17, 2021



A report published by Opportunity Insights, a research initiative at Harvard University indicated that employment rates for low wage workers were down by 22% as of July 23rd relative to 2020. While employment rates for high-wage workers have shot up even past pre-covid rates, for workers who earn less than $27,000 a year, the rates have flatlined.

The data highlights the quick recovery and growth for the higher-earning groups but point out the struggle they lower-income groups face. According to John Friedman, co-director of Opportunity Insights the shock of the covid-19 pandemic caused mass unemployment in the country but the wealthy have managed to largely regain them by the summer of 2020. On the other hand, low-wage workers lost 40% of their jobs by April 2020.

Source: CNBC. 

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