Nike employees given a week off to de-stress

Nike employees given a week off to de-stress

Aug 31, 2021



Nike's corporate employees are given a week off this month to de-stress. The announcement was made by Matt Marrazzo, the company's senior manager of Global Marketing Science. In his message, Marrazzo wrote, "Take the time to unwind, de-stress and spend time with your loved ones. Do not work." 

He added that the past year has been rough on everyone and hopes that these acts of empathy will have a positive impact on the team. "It is an acknowledgment that we can prioritize mental health and still get work done", he said. Much like Nike, many other companies too gave their employees a break from work. The dating app Bumble, social media management platform Hootsuite, Citi Group and LinkedIn were some among them. 

Source: CBS News 

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