Biden directs labor officials to draft heat rules for workers as temperatures rise

Biden directs labor officials to draft heat rules for workers as temperatures rise

Sep 22, 2021



Biden has directed labor officials in his administration to draft a set of rules for businesses to follow during extreme heat. The direction comes while a warming climate raises risks for workers. The White House has appointed The Occupational Safety and Health Administration to develop new safety standards primarily aimed at outdoor workers like agricultural, construction and delivery job workers who do not work with air conditioning facilities much like many warehouse workers as well. 

"Rising temperatures pose a threat to millions of American workers exposed to elements and to kids in schools and seniors in nursing homes without air conditioning and cooling resources", Biden said in a statement. He added that this was a larger problem in disadvantaged communities. This move comes after the record heat of the summer and a heatwave in the Pacific Northwest that took the life of two workers and other climate-related disasters in Louisiana, New York and California. 

Source: The Washington Post 

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