California worst state to be unemployed

California worst state to be unemployed

Jan 04, 2022



As of 2022, California has the most competitive job market in the country. The unemployment rate in California is 6.4% while the national average is 6.9%. 

California's employment is reheating slowly after the pandemic's economic chill. This is shown by the weak prospects for work compared to the national scale. California had 1.15 million unfilled positions in October- the largest count in the nation despite being down 0.4% in a month. That translated to 64% more job opportunities than a year ago. Although that's a huge number, it's slightly above the US national average. Bosses nationwide had 11 million openings, up 4.1% in a month and up 61% in a year. To be fair, it has also been taken into consideration that not all the vacancies are suitable for the unemployed population and many employers and employees have unrealistic expectations. However, the collective needs of the employers and the desires and skills of the employees paint the picture of an economy. If we compare the statewide supply of job opportunities vs who needs a paycheck, in California for the 1.38 million unemployed, there were 83 jobs to be had for every 100 jobless workers. These numbers are a national low. This is what makes the state the most competitive job market, the national number for the same is 132 opening for every 100 unemployed workers. 

If other worker movement metrics are taken into consideration, in California employers are hiring adding 691,000 workers in October, but if seen in a cumulative 12-month average, the number is a disappointing 5.5% improvement. While the 6.5 million hires nationwide were up 7.1% in the year. On the other hand, California bosses fired 131,000 people in October- no. 1 in the US while the nationwide dismissals were down by 2.5% in a month and 21% in a year. 

Source: Los Angeles Daily News

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