Employees find out they are fired from severance checks

Employees find out they are fired from severance checks

Mar 09, 2022



Online mortgage provider Better.com is the center of another human resources debacle. The company is infamously known for firing its employees over a zoom call last year. During the call CEO Vishal Garg had fired 900 employees. Since then it is confirmed that the company is engaged in mass layoffs, most of them uninformed. According to TechCrunch, about 3000 of its employees in the US and India will be let go. 

Yet again the way the company informed its employees has been criticized, according to a TechCrunch report, the employees didn't know that they were fired until their severance checks were deposited in the company's payroll account. Better.com was apparently planning on announcing the layoffs on Wednesday but the severance pay slips got posted earlier. One employee stated that there was no prior communication from the employer, "no email, no call, nothing". New York Times reported that Better.com is paying its employees 60-80 days of severance. 

The incident sparked the sentiment that although the management had apologized for its way of informing employees; no changes have been made. Earlier in December Vishal Garg announced the layoffs of hundreds of employees over a 3-minute video call, his exact words were "If you're on this call, you are part of the unlucky group that is being laid off." "Your employment is terminated effective immediately."

Source: Fox 8

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