Lucrative career option for English speakers

Lucrative career option for English speakers

Apr 10, 2022



Owing to globalization, English happens to be a very in-demand and useful skill. Not only that, English speakers now have a chance at securing a lucrative source of income by teaching English online. 

Latest studies reveal that multiple people are flooding online platforms seeking to learn English, these platforms help you to connect with international students who are anxious to learn the language and students in the US who have fallen behind. Some of these platforms reacquire the tutors to have teaching credentials or language credentials but all the majority of them care about is that you are a native English speaker and in some cases, if your grammar and composition skills are up to mark. 

So why has this industry boomed all of a sudden? well, it has its reasons, first of all, all the tutoring apps that existed were run by companies focused solely on coaching Chinese students in English. Last fall, however, the Chinese government banned such private tutoring companies from offering their services because it gave the rich and elite an unfair advantage. This jeopardized the survival of many companies, as an effect of that, it cleared the market allowing international companies from countries like the US to take a hold of the reins. 

Source: Los Angeles Times

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